(Cf. 2023#

You listened to 87 different shows and 1081 episodes in total #

This was your top podcast in 2024

You listened to 64 episodes for a total of 3 days 6 hours of "RA Podcast" #

And you were big on these shows too!

1. RA Podcast
2. Slam Radio
3. Pure Trance Radio with Solarstone
4. More or Less: Behind the Stats
5. History of the 90s #

Way to go!

30 days 4 hours 52 minutes total listening to podcasts #

The longest episode you listened was 9 hours 55 minutes. It was "RA.960 Funk Assault" from "RA Podcast". #

Compared to 2023, your listening time stayed pretty consistent

And they say consistency is the key to success... or something like that! #

You completion rate this year was 94%. From the 1081 episodes you started you listened fully to a total of 1021. #

Muokkaukset #

2024-12-31 15.16.56 2024-12-31 15.17.34 #
Muuttumaton: My Pocket Casts Playback 2024Muuttumaton: My Pocket Casts Playback 2024
Poistettu: (Vrt. <a href="https://marginaa.li/2023/12/31/my-pocket-casts-playback-2023/">viimevuotinen</a>) Lisätty: (Cf. <a href="https://marginaa.li/2023/12/31/my-pocket-casts-playback-2023/">2023</a>)
Muuttumaton: <a href="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg"><img src="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg" alt="You listened to 87 different shows and 1081 episodes in total" width="900" height="1600" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-50573" /></a>Muuttumaton: <a href="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg"><img src="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg" alt="You listened to 87 different shows and 1081 episodes in total" width="900" height="1600" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-50573" /></a>
2024-12-31 15.16.37 2024-12-31 15.16.56 #
Muuttumaton: My Pocket Casts Playback 2024Muuttumaton: My Pocket Casts Playback 2024
 Lisätty: (Vrt. <a href="https://marginaa.li/2023/12/31/my-pocket-casts-playback-2023/">viimevuotinen</a>)
Muuttumaton: <a href="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg"><img src="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg" alt="You listened to 87 different shows and 1081 episodes in total" width="900" height="1600" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-50573" /></a>Muuttumaton: <a href="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg"><img src="https://marginaa.li/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/signal-2024-12-31-145745.jpeg" alt="You listened to 87 different shows and 1081 episodes in total" width="900" height="1600" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-50573" /></a>

Viihdekulutus #